Quick Updates 11/16/22

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to write a blog post for here and Autodesk, I apologize as I’ve been both extremely sick and busy since getting back from AU22. But I’m back in the saddle again and will be posting very soon.

In the mean time I just wanted to say “Thank you” to all that came out to AU and connected. I had a great time seeing old friends in person after a few years, even finally met a couple of my professional mentors. And of course a huge “Thank you” to those from Autodesk that go to great lengths to make sure a great time was had by all.

Next, I wanted to say a big congratulations to NASA and all my friends that still work there (it’s been too long since we’ve chatted) on the successful launch of Artemis 1 early this morning (yes, I stayed up to watch it live). So very proud.

Well that’s it for now folks, numerous tasks await me. Back here as soon as I decide on a topic to post…;)



Offices Closed - Thanksgiving


Inventor - Some Tricks or Treats for Patterns (no Candy Corn)